Recovery Oriented Supervision in PSR Programs

Dr. Adrienne Sheff, Psy.D., MFT, Director of Adult Services, was invited to make a presentation at the Israel Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association Recovery Conference. Her presentation was on the topic of Recovery Oriented Supervision, an approach that San Fernando Valley Community Mental Health Center, Inc.’s adult programs have been embracing for years. The invitation also included visiting several major mental health rehabilitation programs in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv as well as meeting with the Ministry of Health. In this presentation, Dr. Sheff discussed the Center’s Adult specialty services and addressed issues raised by professional staff in Israel as they seek to make their services more recovery oriented.

In exchange, Dr. Ron Shor, a Professor of Social Work from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and two of his colleagues visited our Center to tour our recovery oriented programs including Cornerstone, the Victory Wellness Center, the Client Run Center and Valley Employment Services.

Recovery oriented programs are based on the four basic principles of hope, personal responsibility, empowerment, and meaningful roles. These programs show definitively that mental health recovery is possible and that it is happening in programs at the Center.  Now, thanks to this prestigious exchange, the Center’s programs have received international recognition.

Download recovery article.

To learn more about the Center’s recovery-based programs, type in the word “recovery” into the keyword box at the top of any page.