The Center offers a full range of services for people of all ages.

  • Children

    The Center has developed a full range of child and adolescent programs serving youth of all ages. Services at the program site or in the field provide a full range of therapeutic, outpatient, prevention and early intervention, as well as evidence-based services.
  • Young Adults

    Outpatient, field based, prevention and early intervention services offered to youth from the ages of 16-25.
  • Adults

    Services integrate recovery principles including hope, empowerment, self-responsibility, development of meaningful roles, wellness activities. Traditional services include: assessments; day treatment; therapeutic, rehabilitative and intensive treatment; crisis intervention; case management; psychiatric evaluation; and medication monitoring.
  • Older Adults

    Provides a wide variety of supportive mental health services to the Older Adult population in their homes and in the field.
  • Families

    Programs encourage full family participation in care with the goal of preserving the family unit. Treatment is family-driven, strengths-based and offers individualized treatment tailored to the child and family’s needs. Services are offered in the home, program site and elsewhere in the field including school.
  • Homeless

    The Center’s homeless programs provide a full range of services including supportive housing to assist the most vulnerable individuals with severe and chronic mental health issues.
  • Domestic Violence

    Assists CalWORKS participants in overcoming domestic violence barriers which impede their ability to work and lead productive lives.
  • Re-entry & Substance Use Disorders

    Programs provide linkage and work with individuals who have substance use disorders and who have been involved with or diverted from the justice system. Services are offered in the field and at the program site.

Improving mental health since 1970

We’ve helped countless individuals and families move their lives forward.

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Additional Community Resources

If you are looking for additional resources in the community, please take a look at our categories and listings.