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Crushing COVID-19 Sponsorship

Sponsorship allows you/your company to be spotlighted multiple times during the event as well as on our website event page and in social media posts.

The Benefits of Sponsorship Include

Crushing COVID-19

Signature Sponsor


  • Inclusion in press releases
  • Sponsor name and level read aloud during virtual event
  • Pre and Post event emails will acknowledge sponsors and be sent to more than 1500 individuals/organizations.
  • Sponsor and level acknowledgement in newsletter recap of event. Newsletter will be mailed to more than 800 individuals/organizations.
  • Sponsor name and level displayed during virtual event
  • Acknowledgement on social media
  • Name, logo & website link on event landing page
  • Record a welcome message for the live virtual event

Ask the Doctor

Segment Sponsor


  • Inclusion in press releases
  • Sponsor name and level read aloud during virtual event
  • Pre and Post event emails will acknowledge sponsors and be sent to more than 1500 individuals/organizations.
  • Sponsor and level acknowledgement in newsletter recap of event. Newsletter will be mailed to more than 800 individuals/organizations.
  • Sponsor name and level displayed during virtual event
  • Acknowledgement on social media
  • Name & website link on event landing page


Segment Sponsor


  • Inclusion in press releases
  • Sponsor name and level read aloud during virtual event
  • Pre and Post event emails will acknowledge sponsors and be sent to more than 1500 individuals/organizations.
  • Sponsor and level acknowledgement in newsletter recap of event. Newsletter will be mailed to more than 800 individuals/organizations.
  • Sponsor name and level displayed during virtual event
  • Acknowledgement on social media
  • Name on event landing page

Your Sponsorship Is Tax Deductible

San Fernando Valley Community Mental Health Center, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation.
Your sponsorship is deductible as a charitable contribution to the extent permitted by law.

Tax ID#: 95-6194487

I would like to sponsor the Crushing COVID-19 Webinar at the following level