‘I’ is a 16-year old Latino male who was referred to C-FSP after a long history of not making progress in traditional outpatient programs.  He was an extremely angry young man and often engaged in physical altercations with his younger siblings, defied his mother’s directives, and engaged in illegal behavior in the community.  He also was failing in high school and found himself constantly in trouble with school authority.

At first, he was resistant to mental health services.  It took the team several months of community based individual and family therapy to build rapport and earn his trust.  His therapist was able to uncover the source of the anger: past trauma and emotional pain related to his relationship with his father.  His case manager linked the family to food banks, recreational activities and also supported his attendance at C-FSP group outings.  The Parent Partner also joined the team and was instrumental in helping his mother make the necessary changes in the family’s life.

Another important moment came when the family faced eviction.  The case manager and parent partner assisted the family with relocating and utilized flex funds as needed.  Supporting the family during this major life stressor further deepened the family’s trust in the team.

The team knew “I” was ready for graduation when he told his therapist that he realized how his decisions can affect his life and wanted to make appropriate ones.  The therapist praised him for managing his impulsive behaviors and thinking about possible consequences.  He began to hang out with a different crowd and surprised the team and his family when his report card showed he had almost tripled his credits and passed all of his classes.

The team is extremely proud of the entire family’s level of progress.  “I” will continue to receive services through a school-based program.